
Sunday School 9:00 am | Sunday Worship 10:30 am | Livestream


The primary responsibility of the deacons of Heartland Community Church is to serve. We believe this is important not only because it is God’s calling in our lives, but practically as it allows the pastors and elders to have the freedom to accomplish their task to shepherd and teach the body.

We see the main areas of service as two fold: meeting the physical needs of the congregation, and by acting as stewards over the church facility and finances which God has so graciously given us.

We believe that we are the hands and feet of Christ as we strive to “minister to those who are in need, to the sick, to the friendless, and to any who may be in distress” through acts of mercy. We have a mercy team in place to help with any need that may arise.

The reason we are called to show mercy is because God has first been merciful to us (Luke 6:36). This mercy is manifest not only through direct acts of service to others, but also in fostering and developing “the grace of liberality in the members of the church” by encouraging others to be merciful as well.

If you have a need, or are aware of a mercy need, please let us know! The deacons would love to find more ways we can serve the body of Christ. Please contact the church office at 316-686-0060 or by e-mail and the request will be shared with the Deacon on-call.


Owen Bergen    Phil Challans    Dan DeJong
Ryan Frost    Brian Gensch    Stephen Granberry
Chris Jackson    Matt Kratz    Brandon Layton
Barry Malcom    Tom Paine    Terry Peterson
Jim Still    Jeff Stout    Jeff Waalkes